Nederlands beginners I en II Delftse Methode

What will I learn in this course that is based on Delftse methode?

During this course using Delftse methode you are given all the tools to have fluent basic conversations in Dutch with confidence. In each course you cover 21 chapters, which can be roughly divided into the following topics:
Beginners I – introducing yourself and meeting others, setting up appointments, doing groceries, discuss about food, get a package from your neighbour, share stories from your holiday or weekend, housing, transportation, finances and generally Dutch society.
Beginners II – relationships and status, Dutch geography, police and stolen goods, Holidays, four biggest cities of the Netherlands, your hobbies,  worklife, health and lifestyle choices, tourism in the Netherlands, various governmental institutes, history of the Netherlands, schoolsystem, municipality, climate crisis and Dutch political system,

What makes Delftse methode special?

It is a method based on conversation classes talking in Dutch from the start. In class you solely use words and sentences used in the chapters you dealt with. Preparation is essential. Since you prepare the text thoroughly before coming to class, you are able to follow and participate at all times. Because the 2000 most frequently used words of the Dutch language are used in the texts, you really learn the essentials first. Even if you don’t speak English, because all the vocabulary lists are translated into 26 languages. Moreover, you evaluate on your learning process frequently with various types of tests, helping you identify your strengths and what needs more attention. Our teachers are trained to teach this method.

Our courses

Semi-intensive courses
Levels: A0 to A2- and A2- to A2+
Frequency: Two classes of 1 hour per week
Study load: 4-8 hours preparation per week
Duration: 10 weeks

Intensive courses
Levels: A0 to A2- and A2- to A2+
Frequency: Four classes of 1 hour per week
Study load: 8-16 hours preparation per week
Duration: 5 weeks

Upcoming courses


How do these courses relate to your regular evening courses?

What is similar?

learning Dutch and using the language from the start and practice it with a focus on speaking and vocabulary in small groups of 6-8 students. For a successful course, preparation before class is essential at all times.

What is different?

  • Conversation class vs. class with great variety of exercises and games, all to promote interaction.
  • Study load for Delftse methode is higher and fixed; it does not adjust to your work schedule. Whereas in our evening courses, we can give optional materials for those seeking more challenge.
  • Length of each lesson for Delftse methode is 1 hour vs. 2 hours in evening courses
  • Price of book


What is the best course for me?

One time per week vs. semi-intensive? Delftse methode vs. regular method? If you are in doubt about the best course for you, you can always give us a call or send an email to ask for advice. We would be happy to find the perfect match for you.

A0 to A2- | A2- to A2+
Je docent is Brecht of Samantha
20 lessen per blok (excl. verplichte introductie en eindtoets)
1 uur per les
Delftse methode (groene boek)

Studielast: 2-4 uur per les

u-pas korting – Als je een u-pas hebt, kan je je persoonlijke budget inzetten om (een deel van) de cursus te betalen of 15% korting krijgen op groepscursussen van 4 of meer cursisten (niet in combinatie met andere kortingen of aanbiedingen)

Passionate and patient teacher!

Really great intro to Dutch with a passionate and patient teacher! – Liam

Interesting and productive learning experience

I thoroughly enjoyed my experience at Kookoovaja. Small classes and a variety of learning methods resulted in an interesting and productive
learning experience. – Kester

Excellent experience!

My experience with Kookoovaja has been excellent so far. Fun lessons that will definitely help you improve your Dutch language skills. Highly recommended! – Ilias

Lessons that you look forward to

There are a few things that in my opinion makes Kookoovaja’s teaching method stand. First are the small groups, the teacher can follow everyone and you get to know your classmates quite well. Second the variety of exercises together with the focus on speaking. What you end with are very gezellig and fun lessons that you look forward to.


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Alle cursussen

Intensieve cursus Nederlands

Niveau A0 naar A1 | A1 naar A2 | A2 to B1 deel I €425

Nederlands beginners I en II Delftse Methode

A0 to A2- | A2- to A2+ €500

Nederlands voor Beginners I, II (en III)

Niveau A0 naar A2 €375

Nederlands voor Gevordenden I, II en III

Niveau A2 naar B1 €375

Nederlands voor Vergevorderden I, II en III

Niveau B1 naar B2 €375

Nederlands ochtend/middag

Niveau A0 to A1 | A1 to A2 of hoger €375

Semi-intensief Nederlands

Level A0 to A1 and A1 to A2 €450 -or- €750*