Re-apply for a course here To inform us you would like to continue your language courses at Taalcentrum Kookooovaja, you can use this form. Thank you! Would you like to continue your language course with Taalcentrum Kookoovaja?* Yes please! No thanks. Yes/Probably, but I would like to discuss my personal situation What is your name?* Voornaam Achternaam What is your email?* Offline or online?*Courses are now generally offered OFFLINE, but you can still give your preference here. Offline means in the classroom, but with a hybrid option in case someone has a cold or is away. Offline/hybrid – in the classroom – participate online only when necessary Online – full course online via videochat No preference, both online and offline is fine I'm learning:* Dutch English Greek Italian Romanian I was learning:* Dutch English Greek Italian Romanian Preference for a day/time?*We like to make a suitable planning that fits for all students. Please let us know about the restrictions in your schedule. Even though we try, it is not always possible to plan the course on your favourite option. Alles selecteren Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Weekends Mornings Middays Evenings Feel free to leave some more comments here Could you share with us why not?CAPTCHA